a delayed arrival
a warm handshake
appreciation of gifts
appreciation & acceptance of two cultures
a blossoming friendship...
a delayed arrival
with the twinkling of the stars, like fireflies
life is about...
tentative test dates
procrastination, you're no longer in me
truth be told, i've procrastinated my entire morning away
Perhaps not as strong as those who have immersed themselves in the same emotion for too long, but I can say that for once, I felt a very strong connection. I almost feel ashamed that it took me so long, but it's the truth, and I do not fear admitting it. So tell me what my next step should be from here. I have the will, now to find the way.
anyway, next week's a week of tests
It used to make me wonder how people had major turning points in their life through the smallest of events, how happenings could make one emote and reflect so heavily. But now I no longer question the possibility of it happening to me.