Monday, July 21, 2008

a delayed arrival

a warm handshake

appreciation of gifts

appreciation & acceptance of two cultures

a blossoming friendship...

the only constant, is known as change

change is inevitable

accept it and move on...

life goes on...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

with the twinkling of the stars, like fireflies

and the blushing fruit that hangs upon that vine

and the face of a baby, as he forms his first smile

i see you

and the whisper of the winds of lullaby

and the laughter and the roar of the rushing tide

and the song of the sparrow, as it takes it's first flight

i hear you

so i'll give you my heart and my soul

and a world where so much is right, but so much is wrong

love is my beginning,

and i know it won't be too long till i see yours...

i love you

life is about...

falling down,

shedding tears of sorrow and pain,

wiping them away,

and moving on from there...

tentative test dates

monday - elementary mathematics
tuesday - biology test
thursday - chemistry test

there might be more to come...

off to shower!


i'm unable to sit and focus on my biology revision, much less to say about the commencement of my elementary mathematics practice. alright, though, elementary is reflected, a moderate amount of revision must be done, sigh!

perhaps, a shower would do the trick...

procrastination, you're no longer in me

there's so much to do, yet so little time left

there's no more time to waste...

first up, it's biology!

Let's go, I'm ready.

truth be told, i've procrastinated my entire morning away

if a time-machine does exist, a laptop/computer would be the answer

it kills time, loads of time, and before you realise, you're in the future...

that's when the future takes the rightful place of the present

Perhaps not as strong as those who have immersed themselves in the same emotion for too long, but I can say that for once, I felt a very strong connection. I almost feel ashamed that it took me so long, but it's the truth, and I do not fear admitting it. So tell me what my next step should be from here. I have the will, now to find the way.

I realized that i'm never angry with people, but circumstances...

anyway, next week's a week of tests

and i'm long in due of revision

perhaps i should do so later...

as for now, i shall just satisfy my flair for writing =)

It used to make me wonder how people had major turning points in their life through the smallest of events, how happenings could make one emote and reflect so heavily. But now I no longer question the possibility of it happening to me.

life goes on...

only in the presence of light, will shadows appear...

i know that i have to hurry up, and catch the last train to lead me out...

can i do as much as i believe i can?

beautiful moments of yesterday, bring forth greater expectations of tomorrow

and reality lies in between...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Comme la belle lune dans l'ouest, c'est pour moi Céleste

Friday, July 18, 2008

La pleine lune dans l'ouest, c’est pour moi Céleste